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Meet the Team!

Matthew Galvez

missing Matthew picture

Matthew is a senior at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a B.S. in Public Health with a concentration in biostatistics and health informatics. Matthew is also pursuing the elements of computing certificate and has currently taken and currently taking the following classes:

Contact Info

Send me a email! @ mtg2382@utexas.edu

Nathan Crespin

Nathan is a senior at the Univeristy of Texas pursuing a B.S in Psychology aling with the elements of computing certificate.

missing Nathan picture

Contact Info

Send me a email! @ nathancrespin@utexas.edu

Sawad Kazi

missing Sawad picture

Sawad is a third-year undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a Biochemistry major and computer science certificate. He plans to apply to MD programs this year and matriculate in a Texas medical school upon graduating.

Contact Info

Send me an email! @ sawad.kazi@utexas.edu

Sebastian Castellanos

missing Sebastian picture

Sebastian is a junior as the Univeristy of Texas as Austin. He is pursuing a B.S.A in Mathematics with a certification in computer programming and a minor in business. Upon graduating, He plans to pursue a tech career. Relevant skills include:

Contact Info

Email: castellanosjs@utexas.edu

Day Phone: (936)465-0979